The idea of the end times is nothing new. Famous psychic Edgar Cayce is well-known for his Earth Changes Prophecies, fifteenth century Nostradamus’ predicted yet another World War in our contemporary times, the biblical Book of Revelations is filled with prophetic disaster, and the Mayan Calendar prophesies the end of one cosmic cycle as another begins. However, perhaps one of the most compelling illustrations of what the end, or rather what the beginning could look like is the I AM America Map.
The I AM America Map is a one-of-a-kind. When it was first published in 1989 there was nothing like it, in fact, its depiction of a geologically changed United States was startling. Most of California and the Pacific Northwest are under the Pacific Ocean; Florida and the East Coast are partially submerged; and the United States is almost cut in half, with a large bay submerging New Orleans and the Mississippi River over a hundred miles wide. Geologists raised eyebrows; skeptics chuckled, “Yeah, right,” but a small group embraced the vision not only as possibility, but probability. This band of survivalists and spiritual-seekers alike would form the nexus of a new group of philosophic thought: the Earth Change Movement.
“The Map,” as it is now known was inspired by a dream-like vision received in 1983 by Lori Toye, a farmer’s wife and then a stay-at-home mom with three small children. In the dream she encountered four spiritual beings in white robes. And they unrolled the ethereal image which was mystifying, startling, and surprisingly promised a future of positive change. Five years later Lori had received more detailed Earth Changes information and she and her partner built a full-scale model of the Earth Changes Map and began to talk to groups about her experience and the prophecies of the ethereal teachers—Ascended Masters.
The information was not all doom-and-gloom. In fact, while it was apparent there would be economic, social, and political changes that we would likely endure, the Earth and humanity would simultaneously experience a tipping-point, both environmental and spiritual. Most importantly, the information was explicit that our individual choices and consciousness would make a difference. Prophecy is not carved in stone; in fact, according to the Spiritual Masters the world we experience is always changing and morphing according to personal and collective levels of spiritual engagement.
As the Earth Changes Movement evolved, two distinct opinions developed. The first concludes that Earth Changes are not necessary, and with the proper attitude and actions, devastation will be circumvented and through intentional actions, communal healing and prayer, an Age of Peace and prosperity for the Earth and humanity will reign. The second is in stark juxtaposition and perceives the necessity of Earth Change to cleanse and purify the Earth and humanity’s current state of self-destruction. The I AM America Map uniquely embraces both positions and the unspoken but ubiquitous truth of a new, collective myth: we are living in a time of unparalleled change.
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