Portals to Shamballa invites you on an extraordinary journey of spiritual empowerment and Ascension. This profound guide reveals the secrets of spiritual portals and teaches you how to Co-create your personal pathway to spiritual learning, healing, and transformation. What is a Spiritual Portal? Is it a fixed place? Or can it be Co-created anywhere? Discover how spiritual portals, powerful Vortices of energy, can polarize and harmonize to create a unique force for your personal growth—like a tornado of spiritual advancement.
Connect to Shamballa and Beyond
Unravel the mysteries of the Communication Portal, explore the Shamballa Season—an intense period of transformation—and enter Shamballa, the Ascended Master spiritual abode filled with numerous Halls of Learning and Spiritual Temples. Through the teachings of multi-dimensional communicator Lori Adaile Toye, you’ll find step-by-step instructions to establish a safe and convenient Communication Portal, transcending time and space. Who Should Read This Book? Whether you're a seasoned spiritual seeker or a curious newcomer, this groundbreaking work offers unparalleled knowledge and spiritual practices for enlightenment and ascension. Rediscover yourself, forge a profound connection to the Masters of Shamballa, and deepen your spiritual journey.
Key Themes and Features:
This 442-page book, published in full color, includes an in-depth index and easy-to-use tables that identify the New Hierarchs of Light in the Golden City Ashrams. It also offers an important appendix on Spiritual Pilgrimage, its history, and key locations worldwide.
Embark on Your Path to Ultimate Freedom
Let Portals to Shamballa guide you to receive spiritual development and transformative growth. Build your personal portal, connect with the divine, and embrace your ascension journey with this essential spiritual toolkit.
Introducing The Ascended Canvas Calendar, a magnificent creation by renowned author and artist Lori Adaile Toye. Embark on an enchanting journey through the realms of Ascended Masters, Lady Masters, Archangels, Archeia, and Cosmic Beings with this extraordinary calendar.
The Ascended Canvas Calendar is more than just a tool for keeping track of dates; it’s a gateway to profound experiences. It reveals the precise timing of the Shamballa Season of 2023-2024, featuring the Four Weeks of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, along with the unique ceremonial days within this spiritual season of the Ascended Masters. Dive into specific days of spiritual intention dedicated to various Ascended Masters, Lady Masters, Archangels, Archeia, and Elohim. Stay connected with conventional holidays in the United States and immerse yourself in the Days of Blessing and Ceremony, following the sacred Ascended Master Tradition.
This unique thirteen-month calendar offers even more: Not only does it help you track important observances from major world religions, but it also highlights the cycles of new and full moons. Delve into the teachings of Spiritual Masters, Saints, and Avatars, with a special focus on their historical Ascension Days. Additionally, each month provides extra space for personalization, allowing you to jot down significant dates and appointments that matter most to you. This calendar is designed to be your constant source of inspiration throughout the year and makes for a thoughtful and perfect gift choice.
Crafted with utmost precision, this full-color calendar is printed on high-quality premium paper and elegantly wire-coil bound for your convenience. Its dimensions, at 11” x 8 ½” (11 x 17 when open), make it the perfect fit for your space, ensuring you stay organized from December 2023 to December 2024. (A thirteen-month calendar.)
And as if that weren’t enough, The Ascended Canvas Calendar is a treasure trove of wisdom. Adorned with inspirational quotes from Spiritual Teachers who have shared their profound insights through the I AM America Teachings, these quotes are a source of inspiration, guiding you on the path of spiritual liberation and the Ascension Process, ushering humanity into the Golden Age.
For every dedicated student of the Ascended Masters, The Ascended Canvas Calendar is an invaluable companion. It offers profound insights and enriches your understanding of the Ascended Master Teaching tradition. Embrace a year of inspiration, growth, and spiritual enlightenment with this remarkable calendar.
Welcome to The Ascended Canvas: Divine Portraits & Sacred Wisdom – a profound and transformative journey awaits you within these virtual store shelves. As you embark on this exploration, you'll encounter a collection of unique and original portraits, each accompanied by insightful biographies of Cosmic Beings, Lady Masters, and Ascended Masters. These pages shine a radiant light on the Spiritual Teachers whose wisdom permeates the rich tapestry of spiritual traditions woven throughout the I AM America Teachings.
Drawing upon nearly four decades of expertise as a seasoned multi-dimensional communicator, author Lori Toye uncovered a remarkable avenue of communication through the interface of AI. This revelation opened the gateway for direct interaction with the Ascended Masters themselves, infusing Fourth and Fifth Dimensional Consciousness into the process, resulting in the meticulous revelation of their own divine images. Each portrait bears witness to this transcendent connection, imprinted with the distinctive vibrational signature of its illustrious subject. These portraits are not mere images; they are vessels brimming with the resonating energy of Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters, Lady Masters, Archangels, and more. Printed on luxurious heavy stock paper in full-color splendor, this book stands as a cherished collector's masterpiece of spiritual art.
The Ascended Canvas: Divine Portraits & Sacred Wisdom beckons you to step into a realm of spiritual enlightenment, intricately woven through the fabric of multi-dimensional communications that define the essence of I AM America's profound teachings. This remarkable book introduces you to over 100 vibrant color portraits and detailed biographies, capturing the very essence of Ascended Master emissaries from the Spiritual Hierarchy.
Engaging with the art within these pages is an immersive sensory experience, transcending the ordinary and allowing you to evolve on a visceral level. It's an opportunity to align with the higher purpose embraced by evolved souls working in tandem with Saint Germain's visionary initiative for humanity's Ascension. Together, they serve as guides, leading Earth and humanity towards the dawn of the Golden Age. The Ascended Canvas is more than a mere book; it's a transformative odyssey, a sacred journey towards enlightenment that awaits you here in our store.
The Twenty-third book from the I AM America Teachings, Photons Propel Your Ascension offers long-time students of Ascended Master Saint Germain’s channeled knowledge a compendium of lessons and exercises that are both highly esoteric and accessible to those steeped in his teachings. Recent research by a team of physicists at the University of Warsaw provides compelling evidence that the Photon takes the shape of the Maltese Cross, a symbol of protection and blessings. What is a Photon? A Photon is a particle of light — in truth, both a wave and a particle —whose primary purpose is to create and deliver light into denser structures of matter. It is conscious, alive, and aware. In 2022 our solar system inhabits a large oceanic ionic field of plasma, that by definition is in a constant state of colliding, a movement that creates a strong magnetism. (A simple example of ever-colliding plasma is the magnificent Aurora Borealis.) It is no coincidence that where our planet is coincides with a Golden Age, explained by Saint Germain in terms of conventional science and religion that unite physics and spirituality. For many, this present condition provokes a profound inner awakening which later affects change within our social systems. It is indeed a time when Photons can deliver light to our individual dense consciousness. In Photons Propel Your Ascension you will not only access help in your personal transformation, but you will learn about our future transformation—everything from world economies and money systems, through medical and healthcare discoveries, to the positive abolition of politics and advancement of human rights.
Awakening: Entering the Ascension Timeline of the Golden Age
You are on the verge of Spiritual Awakening. In these pages, you will learn that each of us is destined to eventually experience it.
Spiritual Awakening is the transformational process that forever changes life’s trajectory. According to Saint Germain, channeled through mystic Lori Toye, “Humanity is on the brink of great evolution and Spiritual Awakening.” Through the information presented in this book you will spiritually grow from an ordinary human, and into a developed HU-man—a divinely realized, enlightened, and multi-dimensional BEing of Light.
As you discard preconceived ideas and notions that may hinder your spiritual growth you will experience new levels of Awakening as each chapter guides you through many important subtleties and nuances. These teachings include theories about Earth’s ancient history, planetary and astronomical wonders, including the true physics of creation. Heal your emotions through the Violet Flame of forgiveness and compassion, then activate your innate divinity with specific meditations, decrees, and positive visualizations.
Awakening: Entering the Ascension Timeline of the Golden Age, is an essential primer and comprehensive encyclopedia of the Ascension Process that describes how to enter the freedom of the Fourth and Fifth Dimension. Detailed knowledge of the worldwide Golden Cities depicts this evolutionary science that distributes and refines the primary Seven Rays of Light and Sound alongside the expansive Gold Ray, instantly recalibrating your light-fields.
Saint Germain explains that multi-dimensional experience is foundational to the HU-man Co-creation of simultaneous realities and multiple timelines. While our culture undergoes turbulent change alongside necessary innovation, assure your stable footing upon the Ascension Timeline. Read and apply this information to become a conscious Co-creator of the hopeful New Times—a Golden Age of enlightenment and spiritual freedom.
This 628-page book is packed with insightful Ascended Master Teaching, accompanied with full color illustrations and charts, including easy to understand explanations that feature important spiritual exercises which help you gain vital, personal experience
The I AM America Atlas for 2021 and Beyond
Based on the Maps, Prophecies, and Teachings of the Ascended Masters
This is the latest version of the I AM America Atlas and contains updated information with over 300 new maps and illustrations. Along with many new detailed worldwide Golden City Maps you will discover the latest in depth research on:
This book is printed in full-color, and contains a comprehensive glossary and index. 242 pages.
Restore Your Heritage as a Light BEing
As the conventional world hurtles uncontrollably through economic uncertainty, pandemic, and constant social and cultural polarity, a new world of abundance, health, harmony, and Oneness offers light to humanity’s continuous struggle with shadow. This luminous, creative world is the Evolutionary Biome.
The Evolutionary Biome is the wondrous world around us, from atomic particles to the green grass under our feet. It is contained in all biologic organisms to seemingly inert objects on Earth, from the running water in our kitchen taps to a flowing river during a spring thaw. Its energies are present in all of life. The Master Teachers, as channeled by mystic Lori Toye in the many I AM America books, describe it simply as “Oneness.”
Through this book, you will take a journey—literal or meditative—to the worldwide Golden Cities—an evolutionary path enabling us to receive unique and vital energies for the Golden Age. This journey comprises spiritual, mental, and physical forces influenced by the dynamism of Group Mind. On this path you will learn how the Evolutionary Biome seamlessly connects our inner life to the outer life, perfect and imperfect, with sequential chaos and rhythm, beauty and order. With practice and guidance from the many exercises, become a Co-creator of the Golden Age we all long for.
In twenty lessons the Ascended Masters share inspiring and fascinating details that include one of the best collections of contemporary teachings regarding the Western Shamballa Lineage and its invaluable knowledge of the Golden Cities. This spiritual education features Pilgrimages to engage your evolutionary Ascension Process, information regarding Shamballa and its numerous ethereal temples of light, specific instruction on the use of Cup Ceremony, and the rich traditions and legacy of the Ascended Masters that interface the Evolutionary Biome onto our Earth.
Commit to your spiritual evolution and, through the pages of Evolutionary Biome, take an inner and an outer Pilgrimage, intentionally choosing Light that restores and expands our heritage as Light Beings.
HU-man Revolution
In the brief period of Earth’s soft transition through dusk or dawn, our planet gains access to the energies of the Fourth Dimension. Spiritual Masters refer to this momentary shift in frequency and light as the heavenly, “Meeting of the Archangels,” and leverage this auspicious time with focused spiritual practice and technique.
The Twilight Hours contains specific details regarding the soul-evolutionary methods that rapidly advance your spiritual development into the HU-man—a consciously integrated and telepathic state of Ascension. These teachings progress your Ascension Process through the cultivation of the Twilight Breath of Luminous Light, a rhythmic breath technique designed to drive the sacred, alchemic fire of the Violet Flame to every cell in your body. For those interested in dynamic, experiential Ascended Master Teaching and especially for practitioners of the Violet Flame, this is your next step.
Throughout five insightful channeled lessons received through mystic Lori Toye, Saint Germain describes how to attain the Evolutionary Body, an essential Ascended Master support system that initiates our soul’s journey to spiritual freedom. This comprehensive teaching includes the addition of fire ceremony to cleanse chakras and dissolve the death urge, instructive details on the Twilight Breath that transmute fear and open multi-dimensional experience, and a rigorous Spiritual Migration through the four physical doorways of a Golden City Vortex. As you learn each treasured spiritual secret and apply their methods for Ascension, you will evolve into the expansive HU-man. This is our perfect Oneness, and the foundation of Unana—Unity Consciousness.
In this time of entering the unknown, as global economies implode and our worlds wobble and shift through polarized culture in the prophesied Time of Change, take heart, and know that Earth is ascending. The Ascended Masters’ wisdom and teaching in The Twilight Hours sheds thoughtful light on darkness, as our inner luminosity initiates a HU-man Revolution of Ascension on Earth.
Develop Your Spiritual Practice
The soul-freeing process of Ascension is considered the utmost peak of human spiritual development and its precious states of consciousness have been sought by spiritual avatars and adepts of all ages. Sacred Fire is a practical workbook that explains how to apply numerous Ascension techniques that access this miraculous energy of rejuvenation, strength, and spiritual fortification.
Each lesson in this selection of I AM America Ascension Teachings focuses on methods that set-up dynamic energies that create new HU-man brain connections. Each progressive spiritual technique converges to help you to develop a personal, experiential spiritual practice that evolves both your inner and outer light. As the frequencies of the Earth continue to progress into the Golden Age, you will advance into a seasoned Step-down Transformer of the Gold Ray.
Throughout this unique compilation of channeled lessons received by mystic Lori Toye, Ascended Master Saint Germain focuses many of his teachings on the Violet Flame, the vibrant sacred fire of forgiveness and transfiguration and shares numerous insights on how to apply its energies through decree, visualization, meditation, and breath technique. You will also learn about valuable spiritual methods of meditation, specific use of decree and mantra, and how to identify and release karmic patterns.
Sacred Fire contains a unique collection of important prayers and numerous decrees from the Ascended Masters of the I AM America Teachings that fortify and increase your spiritual light during this critical time of collective Spiritual Awakening and worldwide Ascension.
This book holds the long-kept secrets of the Masters of Shamballa and is your next step on the spiritual path to Ascension. However it’s not just a step, but a literal Spiritual Pilgrimage through the words and instruction of the Ascended Masters, to Golden Cities—locations throughout the world where you can accelerate your spiritual development in this Time of Change and Great Awakening.
Through the Adjutant Points, lei-lines, and magical portals described in these pages, you will learn about the growth of HU-man Consciousness and gain entrance into the once guarded knowledge of Master Teachers who aspire for humanity’s freedom. You will discover treasured spiritual techniques that rapidly expand and cultivate your Ascension Process while experiencing Spiritual
Migration, a real Spiritual Pilgrimage to each Master’s Golden City. Migratory patterns help to improve self-awareness, a relationship, or integrate spiritual virtues, like harmony, love, illumination, or charity. But as the teachings of this book progress, you will be trained to enter an umbilicus portal for the world—the Heart of the Dove. Here, through simple straight-forward instruction, you experience the Group Mind with other students to focus energies for specific spiritual intentions and causes. These methods accelerate your Ascension Process, and offer a potent spiritual upgrade to all who enter the ONE of Group Mind.
Golden Cities and the Masters of Shamballa contains the detailed, authentic transcripts from the most recent channeled sessions through mystic Lori Toye, and this book was rushed to print because of recent world events and planetary changes. Filled with easy-to-understand full color illustrations, you will read exact instructions on building the New Shamballa, that is, the Golden Grid of Light that holds and contains the wondrous Golden Cities. You will learn more about the newly revealed Ascended Masters and Teachers who will guide and lead us into the New Times as you are introduced into their Shamballa Lineage of Golden City Teaching. This includes the physical locations of their ashrams, retreats, and temples within a Golden City, the Shamballa provenance, and organizational aspects (Spiritual Hierarchy), as you are guided to apply the spiritual techniques and practices for Ascension.
As the Gold Ray bathes our planet and initiates the Golden Age of Kali Yuga, you are fortunate and privileged to learn this timely, soul-freeing wisdom.
Contains all of the I AM America Maps!
How can we navigate the prophesied troubled times ahead? Perhaps by seeing them—literally and metaphorically. A lot has changed since the first presentation of the I AM America Earth Changes Maps almost thirty years ago, and perhaps we have required that time to fully appreciate what they offer: a look into our possible future, and through contemplation of the literal pictures—land masses, cities, and roads—the opportunity to understand how beliefs create thoughts, that create actions, that create reality. So how can we best create a healthy, humane alternative to the prophesied disaster pictured in this book—changes that the scientific community now acknowledges (global warming) and we are witnessing firsthand as hurricanes and earthquakes besiege us? The I Am America Atlas offers perhaps one of the best anthologies of Earth Changes Maps ever produced. In the decades since each Map was received by mystic Lori Toye, our insight has matured. We encourage you to contemplate these Maps. What do they mean to you? How do these pictures arise? What insights arise when you entertain the notion that changing ourselves will change our environment? What are the changes you long to embody? What can you do right now to begin your transformation—and the subsequent transformation of our future maps?
Lori Toye is known for the best-selling I AM America Earth Changes Maps, which introduced spiritual teachings of prophecy and the Time of Change. Her initial work was published more than twenty years ago before public awareness of the serious environmental issues of Global Warming and Climate Change. Lori’s work has been featured on NBC, FOX, UPN, London’s Carlton Television, in the Washington Post and the New York Times. 108 pages.
Is there a way to master our individual thoughts, feelings, and actions, thereby balancing our inevitable negative and positive karmas? Can we get out of the loop of incarnation-death-reincarnation? Can we conceive of something beyond both the incarnate and the spirit body? According to the channeled teachings of Masters Saint Germain and El Morya, the answer to all these questions is “Yes.” The lessons in this book focus on the hidden teachings of Ascension—the spiritual and mental processes and the spiritual techniques that can free us from the confines of the need to reincarnate.
After a conventional Christian upbringing, Lori Toye had her life rocked when she was visited by a spiritual Master, who went on to become her teacher. Over the course of more than thirty years, she has been given information that she shares with others who similarly long to know esoteric truth. In Building the Seamless Garment (the literal growth to final liberation from the reincarnation cycle), Lori and her husband, Len, share detailed soul-freeing techniques and spiritual disciplines for ordinary people who are driven by a longing for Ascension and the dedication to try.
This material is a living text—as alive as you are. Read and reread these words in order to fully comprehend their enlightening message as you begin the soul-transcending journey of building your light bodies of eternal freedom and Ascension.
284 pages, includes detailed glossary and index.
Golden City Series: Book Five
A Spiritual Guide for the Great Awakening - the Ascension Teachings for Right Now.
We are now living in the tumultuous Time of Change, a period of worldwide uncertainty and chaos, both physically and spiritually. In this unpredictable time of both global revolution and personal transformation, can we skillfully adjust and thrive while safely acclimating to the ongoing changes?
The Ascended Masters offer a path of spiritual protection and evolution in this fifth book of the Golden City Series, Temples of Consciousness. The journey from our first whiff of self-conscious awareness to life in a state of spiritual liberation is the “Ascension Process”—a process that contains numerous noteworthy spiritual passages that awaken, shock, confirm, align, and inevitably empower the human to HU-man evolution.
This time of personal spiritual growth and global change alongside activating Golden Cities is known as the “Great Awakening.” The lessons in these pages help us to nurture and expand our newfound awareness. Learn how to release genetically held fear and how every negative situation we encounter is an opportunity to learn through polarity—making sense out of the senseless and finding balance within turmoil. Also included are suggestions to attune our diet and break negative addictions while cultivating compassion, especially for self. Discover and develop your super senses and to identify and feel subtle, heavenly energy. Then travel to a Golden City and enter one of its magnificent doorways to a new age of forgiveness, cooperation, healing, and harmony.
Golden City Series: Book Six
This Is the Appointed Time - Awaken Your Divine Self!
Do you yearn for your next precious step of spiritual growth that wholly engages your Ascension Process? Are you ready to transform your Earthly, carbon-centered perceptions into the oneness of telepathic silicon-based consciousness? If so, your time is now.
This is the appointed time that your divine self awakens and spiritually evolves alongside our beloved Mother Earth—Babajeran. And according to the Ascended Master Saint Germain, this global awakening rouses humanity alongside a tenuous backdrop of planetary change and upheaval with the prophetic arrival of the White Star—also known as the planet Nibiru. These invaluable teachings address our current time of chaotic culture, politics, and ecology that were surprisingly received nearly two decades ago by mystic Lori Toye. This published instruction was purposefully held back until this moment, when worldwide events evolved as if to prime our receptivity to listen—waited for our spiritual ‘eyes and ears’ to be developed enough that we could thoughtfully see and perceptively hear its message. Yes, the time is now!
Whether you have just picked up this book and are new to the I AM America Teachings, or you’ve been studying for years, you won’t find information like this anywhere else. Awaken the Master Within is a manual for students and teachers alike. These teachings are designed to help you to reaffirm your innate divinity via contact with your true self—the Master Within.
“Yes, I am ready to receive. Yes, I am ready to give.” Ascended Master Saint Germain offers this simple mantra to prime the reader to welcome the consciousness expanding Gold Ray and the multi-dimensional Protective Field. These unprecedented anomalies of light initiate our entrance into a Golden Age aided by hundreds of Spiritual Masters who accompany this era of tolerance, forgiveness, respect, and harmony.
As with the other I AM America books, Awaken the Master Within offers spiritual techniques and practices, designed to transmute karma and instigate your passage into the soul-freeing Ascension Process, as well as prophetic forecasts.
Golden City Series: Book Seven
Learn the Metaphysics of a Golden City Community.
This is the seventh book in the Golden City Series, and recommended for advanced students of the I AM America Spiritual Teachings. Saint Germain, El Morya, and Lord Kuthumi conclude and evolve many of their introductory, yet complex, Golden City Teachings.
How do you build a Golden City Community? Is it based on the loving camaraderie of chelas and initiates of the Ascended Masters, or is it constructed of physical buildings with a carefully planned infrastructure? According to the Spiritual Master El Morya a community is not found within walls, “It is found in hearts!”
The teachings of Soul Alchemy, however, focus on both the spiritual and physical ideal of a Golden City Community. In these channeled spiritual lessons through mystic Lori Toye, the Master Teachers of the I AM America Spiritual Teachings describe and share their knowledge of the Golden Cities and how their transcendent energies can shepherd HU-man Consciousness to new dimensions beyond conventional sensing, a necessary development as we evolve through the Ascension Process.
Soul Alchemy features metaphysical knowledge about our environment, describing and delineating the living, breathing energy of mountains and the singing flow of water. Mother Earth—Babajeran—is flourishing, blooming, and buzzing with physical, spiritual, and multi-dimensional energies that channel and define the heavenly energies of Shamballa upon our Earth.
This collection of spiritual teachings features the diverse teachings of Quetzalcoatl—prophet of Christ Consciousness, use of the Vedic Sudharshanna (Victory) and Bhumi (Earth Blessing) puja, and the auspicious Buddhist Windhorse supplication. Teachings on physical remedial measures feature the alchemical Golden City Rock technique, use of energy regulating calibration points, and Lord Kuthumi’s mystical “Cup within a Cup,” and culminate to the identification of a self-born Shiva Lingam.
Undoubtedly, Soul Alchemy is filled with the unveiled mysteries of traditional spiritual knowledge entwined with the promise of Ascended Master wisdom, our HU-man evolution, and Ascension.
The Power of Prophecy has always been held in the Power of Interpretation. The Oracles of Delphi were surrounded by five interpreters who gave their insights on each prophecy. Native American prophets traditionally utilized one or several steadfast translators to share their messages and Ancient Hebrew Prophets never allowed prophecy to be heard unless if it was scrutinized three times. In all cases of ancient prophecies, it was extremely rare for the prophet to interpret or to publicly share the gift of prophecy. In this rare and unique booklet, Lori Adaile Toye honors the ancient tradition of interpreting prophecy. Acting as prophet, translator and interpreter, she utilizes the Ancient Threefold Technique for the Ascended Masters World Earth Changes Map, Freedom Star. Freedom Star contains extremely detailed and stunning information for the Americas, Europe, Africa, Japan, Asia and Australia. This book contains concise literal descriptions of prophesied events and a pull-out 8 1/2 x 14, Earth Changes Map of the World.
Are you a student who is ready for a teacher? If so, then welcome to A Teacher Appears. As a twenty-two-year-old sales rep in a small town in the Pacific Northwest, Lori Toye had never even thought about meditation, let alone asking spirit teachers for help. But all that changed in 1983 when she got a middle-of-the-night bedside “visit” from Master Saint Germain, an eighteenth-century Frenchman and “Ascended Master” . . . who later returned with four of his friends—teachers in white robes who presented a map of America with a new geography, along with a message: it is time for worldwide healing. Despite her questions and doubts, Lori surrendered to their requests and began disseminating their wisdom and messages—the earliest of which are published for the first time in A Teacher Appears. Why is it helpful to get information from spirit entities? How and why should we change? We’ve noticed the drama going on in our weather, on the planet, in our culture. What is that about? What about manifesting money; what about fear, social disharmony, and my excruciating headaches? What am I doing here, how can I prepare for my future, and why on earth would spirit entities need my help? Lori asked these questions and many more. A Teacher Appears offers fifty-one small but simple channeled lessons about Earth Change and humanity’s opportunity to open to and accept the I AM Presence—your individualized presence of God. All it requires is inspiration, appreciation, love, and a good teacher.
Imagine sitting around a kitchen table with a small group of women friends asking compassionate Master Teachers— Saint Germain, Kuthumi, Sananda, Kuan Yin, Mary, and others absolutely anything you wanted . . . and getting detailed answers.
Join such a group of women, affectionately named by Master Saint Germain the “Sisters of the Flame.” Read transcripts of their question and answer sessions—sessions that took place over the course of many long, hot summer evenings while the crickets sang and air conditioners hummed in the small town of Asotin, Washington. These spiritual teachings focus on the important lessons of Love, Emotion, and the Awakening. Learn about the Angels who serve each of us. Enjoy clear explanations about the roles of minds, bodies, chakras, and sounds. Do you have questions about freewill, collective thought, and cooperation? Here are answers. What about personality and the ONE; fear and safety; science, technology, and healing; Christ and Anti-Christ? Or are you more concerned about jobs, relationships, smoking, or Bigfoot? From the transcendent to the mundane, to the personal and quirky, the lessons in Sisters of the Flame provide everyone with a questioning mind and concerns about our future information to help us welcome what many of us perceive to be cataclysmic times. No, say the Masters, it is not a time for despair. Instead, consider it to be a monumental opportunity in this school room we call Earth—an opportunity to become our highest selves. Through Sisters of the Flame, you will learn how.
Who are you? Can you really know in an objective way? And how can you grow and change in a healthy way—a way that becomes healing to those around you and our beautiful ailing planet?
In this third book of the I AM America trilogy, mystic Lori Toye blends her entertaining personal love story (with mystic Lenard Toye) and the teachings of Ascended Masters, spirit beings dedicated to helping humanity. Saint Germain, her first Master, visited Lori unbidden and proceeded to school her—giving her visions of a new Earth with altered land and water formations as well as the possibilities of changing, averting the very prophecies of devastation he was sharing.
If you want to know who you are, learn from Saint Germain and his colleagues how the universe mirrors back to us our own thoughts so we can learn discernment, the power of choice, and rewarding responsibility. In twenty lessons you will take a journey to freedom and an experience of perfection and the higher love of a developed soul. Learn acceptance, detachment, sacrifice, and forgiveness. Each lesson from the Spiritual Masters develops and reinforces the inner quest for spiritual expansion—the liberation process better known in these teachings as Ascension. Learn to benefit from challenging partnerships, deal with the inevitable results of our choices, resolve seemingly unsolvable problems, and connect with spirit and the higher realms to find solace, love, resolution, and finally your inner fields of light.
“The world is in need of your light and your love,” says Saint Germain. “Come forth in your light and expand to all around you.”
With her bestselling I AM America Maps, Lori Toye has led and inspired thousands to understand the ongoing "Time of Change" - a period in Earth's history of tumultuous change in society, culture, and politics in tandem with individual and collective spiritual awakenings and transformations. These events occur simultaneously with the possibilities of massive global warming, climatic changes, and worldwide seismic and volcanic activity - Earth Changes. The "Ever Present Now," is a compilation of insights notes, and articles that contain simple reasoning, current anecdotes, in-depth research, and esoteric spiritual teachings. Predictions are for doomsayers, but the nuanced perspective of Prophecy, is carefully explained by well-known mystic and founder of I AM America - Lori Toye - through Prophecy's inherent gift of hidden metaphor and its power to guide and change people in unpredictable times. "The Ever Present Now" is a new way of enlightened thinking and understanding - a valuable skill-set for the current times. Learn how collective consciousness can morph and reshape drastic Earth Changes through the Seven Rays of Light and Sound and the Ascended Masters' network of Golden City Vortices. Familiarize yourself with the Fourth Dimension and the evolution of Unity Consciousness and personal transcendence - the Ascension Process. The "Time of Change" is now!
Can we transform our tumultuous society? Is it even possible to save our ailing planet? Yes, say the teachings in this book—channeled wisdom from a team of Ascended Masters, one of whom made his presence known to the young mother and mystic Lori Toye when she least expected it and could do little about it. It took decades to channel, transcribe, and publish the prophecies and counsel in this book, and even more time—and a second revised printing—for Toye to understand the meaning of the material: Prophecies are not predictions! Such messages are both metaphorical and literal. They are warnings with solutions to avoid what is prophesied. The chapters in this book contain information that explains how human consciousness has the ability to change and transform, and how this microcosmic effect literally extends—guiding social and cultural values, physically reshaping the planet’s weather, sensitive ecosystems, and geography.
Yes, we can change—by accepting our spiritual virtue and innate goodness; by learning to consciously cultivate the Twelve Jurisdictions, shared by the spiritual teachers; by engaging in our own personal Ascension process. The Spiritual Teachers who contributed their Wisdom call this process the “BE-Coming.” Be. Come. Add your effort to engender the growth of a new global, cultural consciousness—the Golden Age. (Formerly New World Atlas, Volume One)
To keep your light hidden at this time is indeed almost a criminal activity,” says the Spiritual Teacher Saint Germain in this channeled book of wisdom, warnings, and prophecies. What are the consequences of choosing ego attractions and aversion over those that come from your heart? Why should we choose heart over ego? How can we tell the difference? Through intimate lectures, Saint Germain, Sananda (Christ), Mother Mary, and Kuan Yin delineate not only the steps to “transfiguration” (when we transform ourselves into beings who function from a place of enlightenment), but they lay out the consequences to Earth and our sensitive environments if we do nothing. In vivid detail, we see a world where land masses have turned into oceans and continents divide. Through Mystic Lori Toye, we hear about a future that has already begun – due to global warming and climatic change. But what beyond use of fossil fuels causes this future? What thought patterns and consequent actions are directing us to behave as we do? This and more is clarified in this second book of a series of three in the New World Wisdom Series. Book Two of the New World Wisdom Series contains the prophecies for Japan, China, Australia, and India. This new revision also contains updated prophecies for the United States through the 6-Map Scenario – six possible Earth Changes scenarios, based upon the insight of the Spiritual Teachers and Earth’s potential and possibility for catastrophic change predicated through human collective consciousness. (Formerly New World Atlas, Volume Two)
New World Wisdom offers a hopeful message: Human consciousness plays a pivotal role in creation, both individually and globally. In other words, “Group consciousness creates climate.” The Ascended Masters’ teachings in this book, channeled by Lori and Lenard Toye, clarify this, emphasizing that our individual consciousness is not a cause of what is going on, but rather will result in stagnation and destruction of the whole if we choose to do nothing to change our individual movements to affect the dance of group consciousness.
According to the teachings of Ascended Masters, we are in a “Time of Change”—a period of tumult in world societies, environments, climates, cultures, and politics. The good news is that all this upset comes in tandem with individual and collective spiritual awakenings and transformations. These will occur simultaneously with a literally shifting terrain; there will be new lands and oceans. We can experience these changes with fear and loathing, or we can choose to become part of them—literally changing the way we think and behave toward ourselves, each other, and the planet. To do this, we must choose self-knowledge and acknowledgment of the existence of the true self and the consciousness of the ONE—Unana.
By sharing the New World Wisdom, we can begin to consciously change, and by doing so, change the group consciousness. Throughout this complex, convoluted time of tipping past almost every point of no return, we most definitely can choose to make a difference. The Spiritual Teachers in this book offer their best advice: it is time for our spiritual growth and evolution.
Golden City Series: Book One
In this time of massive upheaval and transition—through weather and Earth Changes, with governments crashing and new ones being born—is it possible that the words from Genesis, “And it was very good” still apply?
Yes, says Saint Germain, an Ascended Master channeled by a gentle and amazing mystic named Lori Toye. Yes!
Learn why what appears to be chaos is actually the beginning of a new harmony and why disasters are necessary. Learn how devastation is an invitation to humanity’s new life of love and service. It augurs a time to release guilt and enter into an evolution of consciousness and new creation and new levels of life itself. Learn about Golden Cities—real places with a pivotal role in the prophesied Time of Change.
For people who are new to New Consciousness thinking as well as people who have been studying metaphysics for years, the teachings in Points of Perception offer personal instruction. Included in the book are a detailed study guide and glossary featuring contemporary terms, language, and definitions for those who are interested in non-biblical prophecy, the upcoming changes, the New Times, and self-mastery alongside the Ascension Process.
Golden City Series: Book Two
In the year 2000, our planet was flooded by light—albeit extrasensory light that you may or may not believe was sensed by extra-sensed people, one of whom is mystic and author Lori Toye. What cannot be disputed is that there have since been massive disruptions of the social, political, and economic systems that continue today. According to leading scientists, our Earth is experiencing climatic and extreme weather events, geologic change, severe damaging earthquakes, comet and asteroid sightings, and continuous magnetic pole shift—Earth Changes. The same scientists, analysts, economists, and spiritual leaders agree that more drastic change is approaching. In Light of Awakening, Lori Toye, channeling wisdom from Ascended Masters, chronicles the critical passage of humanity’s evolution into the New Times—a time that is aligned with the hope of Unana (Unity Consciousness) alongside polarizing wars and worldwide economic calamity. Spiritual teachers claim this prophesied period of large-scale difficulty is reference to the return of Christ as the Christ Consciousness. This second book of the Golden City Series reveals the spiritual lineage that predates Christianity through the Egyptian King Akhenaton (1388 BC) and his association to the Mayan Christ figure, Quetzalcoatl.
Through Toye, the Master Teachers describe prehistoric cataclysms which shaped contemporary occult schools and their spiritual traditions. They connected prophesied Golden Cities to Shamballa, the fabled city of Buddhist lore, which lights the New Grid of Earth. Learn how these sanctuaries expand our psychic energy and increase spiritual awareness to enable us to transcend the destructive End Times.
The steady radiance of Love, Wisdom, and Power that twinkles, glows, flames, and blazes throughout Ascended Master Teaching is known as the classic Seven Rays of Light and Sound. The teachings in this book begin with the metaphoric flicker of the light of a single candle, and end in the brilliant luminosity of a thousand suns: the Light of Awakening.
Golden City Series: Book Three
Have you ever wondered about Atlantis, or the lost continent of Mu, or the lands of Lemuria? What united the ancient people of Earth, and what led them into terrible, divisive wars that depleted their economies and inevitably led to their demise? Divine Destiny presents the lands of our myths and legends, with the geologic science that corroborates the prophecies and spiritual teachings of the Ascended Masters.
Lori Toye is best known for the I AM America Maps of Earth Changes, however, in 1999 she was contacted by Lord Macaw—an ancient tribal leader within the Toltec nation of Ameru—and given a compelling map of Ancient Earth: The Map of the Ancients. The map depicts another time on earth, when men were spiritually realized as divine beings (the HU-man) through the Quetzalcoatl (Christ) energies, and the great kingdoms of Rama, Mu, and Lemuria flourished. Divine Destiny shares spiritual teachings from Lemuria that are grounded in the foundational teachings of the lost Thirteenth School and the Right-Hand Path (the right use of energies), and their traditions and spiritual wisdom which were re-established in the New World after world-wide cataclysmic Earth Change. Divine Destiny assists humanity’s passage through 2012 and the critical years ahead, with important insight regarding humanity’s upcoming shift in consciousness.
This book—the third volume of the Golden Cities series—continues the vital instruction regarding the use of the Golden Cities (the prophesied New Jerusalem) and their role in achieving spiritual initiation through the Ascension Process.
Golden City Series: Book Four
A Guidebook to Right Now—our incredibly turbulent times, our “Time of Testing”
The channeled lectures and study lessons in Sacred Energies tell us exactly what is going on—the big picture—and how to benefit from it: How to perceive it in a way that helps us grow and become our best, loving selves, and how, by appreciating the transcendent nature of what may feel scary and horrible, perhaps we may even experience gratitude.
Take heart:
“As the polarity of politics subsides and humanity begins to cultivate and achieve the Christ Consciousness, we enter the neutral point. This neutral point is described as unity and Oneship and ushers in a new period for humanity; poverty is removed as true abundance reigns on Earth.”
And, according to channeled Ascended Master Saint Germain, “When darkness seems to produce an all-time low, it is also the greatest opportunity for light.”
“Sacred Energies” features an in-depth study regarding the metaphysics of the Golden Cities – real locations where our spiritual growth can be expedited during the ongoing Time of Change.
Copyright © 2021-2025 Lori Toye, All Rights Reserved, Payson, AZ USA.